Now that we have a fully realized Republican ticket to consider in Romney/ Ryan it seems important to accept that this is an extremely threatening ticket to the American way of life as we have known it. In fact, I'm actually surprised that Romney has truly accommodated the most radical wing of the Right so completely. I didn't think, despite what all my Lefty friends offered, that he had gone over fully to the Dark Side. I imagined that he would aggressively move Right of Center, establishing his credential as a slightly more conservative, Bloomberg style, Capitalist politician.. advocating for less regulation in business, larger tax cuts for the already rich, but establishing a social moderation allowing for women's rights, civil rights, relatively inadequate but not unreasonable protections/safety nets for the poor and elderly....
But that hasn't happened. Instead, he is, I believe, embracing a Culture in this country that can only be described as extremely radical and dangerously intolerant to anyone of modest economic means, to women, to the environment. In fact, the very social and economic fabric that holds this country together will be rendered inoperable if Romney/Ryan have their way. Of course, even many in Congress would be relatively opposed to many of the ideological stances these two candidates for President and Vice-President will take if given the reins of the White House, but I am truly nervous about the deep damage they might inflict on the way our Union functions.
I have written a piece suggesting we should allow the Tea Party to sign on the dotted line, abandoning all Federal Monies, but I wanted that to be a choice. If Romney/Ryan are elected they will fundamentally bankrupt the Government entirely, taking away any of the Federal Government's ability to help states with infrastructure, ensuring savings accounts and pensions, healthcare services, environmental tragedy for crops, property and people...
My feeling is, if specific representatives want to forego Federal monies for the local constituencies, by all means, let them try that, and they will surely be booted in the next elections, but making it impossible for all states who fundamentally have little or no argument with Government's role in civil society to function with such a system is horrifically wrong and could irreparably ruin the system of the Great Society many of us aspire for for this country.
Romney/ Ryan want to destroy the Federal Government as we know it, sending us into greater and greater deficit for military spending, taxcuts for the top 5%(really 2%), cutting any and all strings between the Federal Government and States, wiping out Medicare and Social Security, and doing this. paying for any expenses on the backs of the other 95%. That is true Oligarchy....It's practically Feudal...
I will write more about what we can do to engage our communities, families, and Representatives who oppose this kind of extremism another time, but I think it's clear that, despite many hard feelings many of us on the True Left have had about President Obama's performance and positions, there is absolutely no choice but to make sure he is elected with a solid majority that renders the argument of this Extremist Right Wing culture Romney/Ryan are perpetuating mute!
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